No me conecta la versión Pro

  • Last Post 29 December 2017
Eccocyber Berti posted this 28 December 2017

Tengo ese problema, anda muy bien la versión gratis, compre la versión full y no me conecta. Elijo conectar por Bt y se me configura en Ble

inCarDoc posted this 29 December 2017

There might be issue with some new OBD adapters, that supports both Bluetooth and BLE (Bluetooth 4.0) connections using the same MAC address... app does not currently support 2 dif types of connection via the only MAC address. It just takes 1st and try to use it. And it just random what exactly Bluetooth or BLE come first. With free version all the same, just bit more luck at your first connection. We will add some bypass for those adapters soon.
