Code interpretation

  • Last Post 10 February 2023
itsjoasom posted this 09 February 2023

Hello, I am Trying to understand the trouble codes from the app especially about ESP on a Mercedes Benz W204. The car is indicating that the runflat is inoperative together with the ESP (Visit Workshop). On the dashboard. After connection to the app, I get the following; ESP (486) C 2108 C 2265 C 1506 C 2106 C 2000 C 1938 C 3266 C 1170

Instrumental Cluster 481 B 210A-84 B 210A-84 C 10087 - U0100 87 C 16887 - U0168-87 There is no proper information on the internet about the above. Can I clear the extended diagnostics codes using the app? Thanks team.

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inCarDoc posted this 09 February 2023

That is mostly about make/brand specific codes which might have limited public information. Never the less one can try queries with code + brand to find out some infromation. For example "C2108 Mercedes" might give you some appropreiate details like this one: "W211 SBC error C2108".

itsjoasom posted this 09 February 2023

Thanks incardoc support, also please elaborate on the following on reports.

DTC storage state Validated fault present Validated fault state Is there a way to check on the unknown ECUs? Can one clear codes on the extended diagnostics? Is there a way to clear airbag and non engine related lights? Thanks team.

inCarDoc posted this 10 February 2023

  1. "Validated fault present" is just one of the formal states (according to ISO / SAE) that describes status of the DTC... expected name to be self-descriptive so
  2. Extended DTC clearing is supported only with inCarDoc Pro for Android version as "experimental" feature. Mostly it should work for all listed with Extended diagnostic DTCs/Systems, but clearing for some critical DTCs/Systems (like SRS/Airbag, ets.) might be disabled by car manufacturer (to be completed with authorized instruments/procedures only).