How connect to Nissan QG18DD?

  • Last Post 12 August 2015
Administrator posted this 19 September 2014

How connect to Nissan QG18DD? What is Nissan QG18DD at the ECU settings?

Nissan QG18DD is the type of Nissan cars engine, used in the following vehicles: 1999-2004 Nissan Sunny, 1999 Nissan Primera Wagon. If you are sure your Nissan car has this very engine, you can just connect to it. To connect with Nissan QG18DD go to Settings >> Test >> ECU >> choose Nissan QG18DD. That means you are choosing configuration file with the description of corresponding protocol (Nissan QG18DD), which we have added purposely. ​

*Other Nissan cars can also launch using this configuration file, but we are not sure how the parameters will be displayed.

If you have any information about other car's configuration files, we'll be gratefull if you'll share it with us. Thanks!

Knot posted this 12 August 2015

Using this configuration I have been able to access the ecu in my partners car, the engine is a QG18DE. Very little works but I was able to pull the error code to ID the current fault.

The other issue is as soon as I do enable this, half my menus turn to Russian.

Part of the problem might be the dongle, its a cheap clone, running v1.5 of the rom. (Yes I know, get a new one)
