
  • Last Post 15 June 2018
itsjoasom posted this 14 June 2018

How does one become an expert in using the console feature?

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inCarDoc posted this 14 June 2018

Requires at least to get acquaintance with two groups of commands and OBD-II protocols princples:
- ELM327 principles and configuration commands 
- OBD-II commands

If app already connected with car by one of the OBD-II protocols, one could start directly with OBD-II commands.
For example type in 0100, click send and check raw response...

some examples one could find in article "How to connect the smart phone to a car" or searched over Internet

Happy to answer if you have some questions.


itsjoasom posted this 15 June 2018

Thanks I'll try that.